Curated Inbox Vol 5

Who could use some trend that isn’t so serious?!  Or any news at all that isn’t so serious?!

How about Jewelry, makeup and two fun apparel trends? 


“Above the keyboard” is opening up the creative spirit of designers as they see what new looks they can play with given this concentrated emphasis of neck, ears, head.  There is quite a showing of metallic – especially gold, shimmering and catching the light.  Necklaces with elongated links are popular.  The weight can be anywhere from “reasonable” to “super chunky”.  There is also an emphasis on colorful semiprecious gemstones and asymmetry in earrings.  Don’t look for “perfect” in gems – the best pieces right now are gems in their natural form, uncut and unique in their shape, color and texture.  Imperfect is the new perfect.


“Above the keyboard” emphasis is very much alive in makeup trends as well.  The thing that I think is most interesting that is going on though, is the experimental, almost contemporary art line work that is happening.  The colored eyeliner or pencil is like a painters brush, making interesting marks on eyes rather than following traditional norms of where liner would usually be placed.  You would think that the looks would be fringe but you would be wrong.  The end results are joyful, playful, beautiful and very wearable for any age.  Now with the wearing of masks, of course, the eyes have it – so experimentation is not only allowable but needed as we all try to express ourselves through our eyes. 


Cut Out Designs

WGSN – KEY ITEMS “Strategic and considered #cutouts subtly expose skin and make a statement without compromising wearability. A tailored fit ensures blouses are smart and work-appropriate, with a long-sleeve and high neckline striking the balance between modesty and peek-a-boo placements.”

 I’m so impressed with how wearable many of these new cut out designs are for work situations.  The new sleeve cut outs are sculptural, as are the secret back cut outs.  The upper chest cut outs somehow come off as almost prim and proper with many also sporting high necks or collars that are “buttoned up” while having skin showing just below the top button area.  These are exciting times as designers have fun experimenting. These new restrictions are actually opening up the floodgates to new shapes and looks we would not have seen otherwise – or at least we wouldn’t have gotten here this quickly had WFH not happened so suddenly and have gone on so long.

Large Collars

I’ve seen a number of these large collars that are a separate, stand-alone accessory.  They become a modular element that can be worn with any variety of tops, tees or even woven shirts.  There is a Peter Pan style that is popular, the small shape is traditional, but they are also now coming into a grand size, becoming impressive design statements.  It will be interesting to see how long this trend sticks around and just how big the shapes can go. 

Also from Jewelry designer Grainne Morton, listed above for her colorful earrings, do check out her Instagram for other trends in apparel and makeup – this designer has her finger on the pulse of what is popular with women now – Here she is wearing a great example of large collars that are trending, and she is followed by The Accidental Icon, Lyn Slater and here she is wearing an example of a large collar.

Here is one from the Holiday line from Tory Burch

In the NOW

In my November 5th interview on PromoCorner Express Training Bites with Brandon Pecharich, I talked about Hipsteading – it’s a really important movement and I will write more about it in a post soon – but for now, if you want to check out a great article to get a headstart – look here!

Additional Resources


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